Loving it All
with David Banner
Web Exclusive Podcast

Have you ever wondered why things seem to be getting worse all the time, despite all the government programs, law enforcement agencies, doctors, scientists and others trying their best to come up with solutions? Until we can determine that a proposed solution will have only life-enhancing outcomes we will continue to grope in the dark, trying to solve problems with only limited understanding-and the solutions offered by the limited, fear-based ago will never succeed.
The root problem lies with the ego, a fiction made up inside our minds, assuming a separate self and a hostile world in which the ego needs to struggle and manipulate to survive.This podcast uses the spiritual technology of the Enneagram to illustrate the nine primary delusions of the ego, and shows how this tool can uncover the underlying virtues of each type.Learn how to transcend the limited ego and move into a present=moment awareness of reality and the joy it brings to you and to your world.
Episode Twelve – Using the Enneagram to Transcend Duality

This final chapter shows how you can use the knowledge of your type and the type of significant others to develop empathy and compassion for those who are different that us.
Episode Eleven – Living in Love

This chapter looks at how we create “the movie of our life.” It talks about self-created suffering. And the fact that living in love means serving the whole, and getting out of the egoic projections of fear.
Episode Ten – The Awakened Heart

In this chapter, we look at how an awakened heart perceives reality. We look at the work of the Heart-Math Institute , where mind and heart are re-united. The mind, left to work on its own. breeds destruction and chaos. But by re-connecting the mind with the heart, we can see clearly. Ego is just a state on consciousness…nothing more. It it is limited to a very narrow range of perception. Basically, the issue is this: what do we want to let direct our lives? Love or fear? That is the basic choice we face.
Episode Nine – A Return to Oneness

In this chapter, we look at how we can return to our birthright, a sense of connection with all sentient life. The current of life, the so-called Divine Design, knows exactly what it is doing; by aligning with this current, we can
know what to do and when to do it. This obviates the need for excessive planning. We also look at why the ego resists what is; the ego wants to re-create reality in its image of what SHOULD be, rather than what actually IS.
Episode Eight – The Present Moment

In this chapter, we talk abut the only time that is real: NOW. The past is gone and the future is imaginary. Neither are real. By staying in the present, we live in reality. But easier said than done, We have well-ingrained habits
of thought that take us to the past and project into an imaginary future. Meditation and mindfulness are viewed as the best strategies to anchor into the present.
Episode Seven – The Role of Service

This chapter looks at DSFSQ, the wonderful acronym which stands for “Do something for Someone Quick!” When we are self-centered and focused on our so-called problems, we contract into fear and anger. By getting
outside ourselves, we relieve the pressure we put on ourselves by self-focus.
Episode Six – The Role of Gratitude

This chapter looks at how gratitude promotes spiritual growth, appreciation for others and life in general. An “attitude of gratitude: can reap many benefits for all concerned.
Episode Five – Healing the Shadow

The shadow is what Carl Jung called the unhealed parts of ourselves, those parts which were rejected because they were unacceptable to our caregivers and others. They were then repressed into our unconscious, where
they are projected into our waking lives.
Episode Four – The Curse of Duality

This chapter looks at duality, the mind’s way to judge good/bad, I like it/I don’t like it, etc. Judgement separates us from the rest of life. This occurred when we decided, millennia ago, that we could exist separate from God, each other and all sentient life.
Episode Three – The Ennegram, Continued.

This is the second chapter that is optional for those who understand the Enneagram typology, or for a review for folks with a cursory understanding