New York Times Journalist and Author Thomas Friedman has a marvelous book called, “Thank You for Being Late.” In that book Friedman reminds us that we must learn to live in the eye of the hurricane. What’s in the eye of the hurricane? Calm, stillness, quiet. Yet, from within that space we can draw energy from the storm so we can be dynamic and stable in responding to the lives of each other. He goes on to say that the best analogue for the eye of the hurricane is a healthy community, where people feel protected, respected, and connected. A place we all call home.
Featured songs: Every time I Look at Someone (Honoring Clara Beebe) | Words & Music by Larry Long with Youth & Elders from Lac Courte Oreilles Anishinabe Nation | Copyright Larry Long 1999 BMI; Eyes of My Father | Words & Music by Larry Long 2011 BMI: Grandpa’s Song | Words & Music by Larry Long | Copyright Larry Long 1992 BMI
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