Community of Goodness
Community of Goodness
Honoring the Sacred with Troubadour Larry Long and Storyteller Tom Thibodeau

There are things in life that are not for sale, which we call sacred. Like the ring on my finger that was given to me after my father passed. It’s through these objects, memories, stories, and traditions that we are reminded of who we are. As in these sacred Midewiwin principles passed down through the generations by the Elders of the Anishinaabe Nation:
Honor the aged; in honoring them, you honor life and wisdom. Honor life in all its forms; your own will be sustained. Honor women: in honoring women, you honor the gift of life and love. Honor promises: by keeping your word you will be true. Honor kindness: by sharing the gifts you will be kind. Be peaceful: through peace all will find Great Peace. Be courageous: through courage all will grow in strength. Be moderate in all things: work, listen and consider, your needs will be prudent. Featured songs & spoken word: Some Things Are Not For Sale (Honoring Melvin Jones) | Words & Music by Larry Long | Copyright Larry Long Publishing 1996 BMI; Traditional Anishinaabe Honor Song | John Morrow from the Lac Courte Oreilles Wildcat Clan; MIZHAKWAD (Lucy Begay); OGABEGIZHIKOKWE (Ruth Harley); GAWEENAWIYA INDAMA KAMIGOSEEN AYZHITWAH YAHN (No One Can Take My Religion From Me)| Words & music by Larry Long with the community of Lac Courte Oreilles, Wisconsin | Copyright Larry Long Publishing 2015 / BMI |