Welcome to our New Aquarius Moon. It is not just a New Moon today. Mercury has conjoined Pluto. The North Node of the Moon has moved into Pisces while the South Node has moved into Virgo. The Sun is applying to harmonize with Jupiter. The planet Uranus is at a standstill before it stations direct tomorrow. Everything is changing. Everything is changing rapidly! Can we hold on? Can we help to create those changes? Or are we going to allow things to happen to us?
Fear can be faith returning to us. Courage is underneath fear. Underneath the grief and the sadness is a gratitude for the sacred present moment. Anger is a desire for things to change so behind that anger is the power and motivation to make the necessary changes. We can find our will, discipline, and focus as we acknowledge our anger and transmute it into right action and empowered choice.
Understand that we’re all in this together. We are not alone. The next four or five months, at least, we’ll see incredible changes, rapid technological advances, and much revelation on the political side of things.
Keeping our vibration in the highest possible place, without suppressing or denying the heavier vibrations, will serve us well.
Let’s do our best to keep remembering this, and practicing it to the best of our ability, and all will be well.
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