Microcollege: The Thoreau College Podcast
Microcollege: The Thoreau College Podcast
Thoreau College Podcast

Episode 24 – Chris Knapp – The Maine Local Living School

Chris Knapp is a father, homesteader, environmental educator and founder of Maine Local Living School.  He is passionate about sharing pathways into relationship with the human and more-than-human communities through hand craft, homesteading arts and deep listening. Chris is endlessly fascinated by the exploration of why the world is as it is and the human potential for creativity and positive change. Chris has designed and taught experiential programming for grade-schoolers to graduate students for over twenty years. He holds a M.S. in environmental studies from Antioch University New
England, is a Wilderness First Responder and a Registered Maine Guide.

Maine Local Living School: https://www.mainelocalliving.org/

Learn more about Thoreau College and the microcollege movement at: https://thoreaucollege.org/

Driftless Folk School: https://www.driftlessfolkschool.org/

 Episode 23 Laura Marcus.mp3

 Episode 24 Chris Knapp.mp3