Microcollege: The Thoreau College Podcast
Microcollege: The Thoreau College Podcast
Thoreau College Podcast

Episode 22 – Vilhelm Skoglund – Effective Altruism and the Future Academy

Vilhelm Skoglund is the secretary-general of Effective Altruism Sweden.  In October 2022, Vilhelm and Effective Altruism Sweden launched Future Academy, a five month long free program aimed to equip university students and young professionals from around the world with the thinking, skills, and resources they will need to pursue ambitious and impactful careers. He has several board positions within the non-profit sector and co-founded Nema Problema, a non-profit aiming to make migration policies more effective. Vilhelm has previously worked as a consultant and has studied law, developmental economics, and sustainability studies at Uppsala, Yale, and Cornell University.

Effective Altruism: https://www.effektivaltruism.org/

Future Academy: https://www.effektivaltruism.org/futureacademyNema Problema: https://www.nemaproblema.se/mentoring-program/