Again we will enjoy a Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold published in 1949.
This part of the November chapter called Axe in Hand, delves into our biases when we walk into the woods with our axe, or more often now, our chainsaw. We choose what to cut and what to leave, what we favor and what we do not. Why do we make the decisions we do, working on the land?
What I love about this chapter, and Leopold generally, is that he reveals his own thought processes. We are privy to his inner self, weighing many different ideas and perspectives.
My thanks to the Aldo Leopold Foundation for permission to read this wonderful book. Please visit their website, Aldoleopold.org for some treats. They have a blog with many contributors that you will enjoy reading and the Phenology Calendar for 2023 is ready for mailing and packed with wisdom and observations for the whole year.
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