The elder storyteller of the Driftless is Ben Logan. In his memorable book The Land Remembers he writes this about summer, “I went out to the cornfields. I knelt by a stock of corn along with the other sounds. I could hear my heart beating. The ground was damp against my knees. The sweet sticky smell of the growing corn was everywhere. A light breeze started the leaves whispering. I put my ear up against the stalk. There was something there. It was a little stretching, popping noise, that could have been the corn pushing upward. I moved my ear away from the stalk and the sound was gone. I tried several times, each time the sound was there. I had heard corn growing. It was a pleasant secret I carried with me through the days.” As Larry Long writes in his song Going Home to the Driftless, “A hoot owl is calling. A coyote howling. Down in the wetlands a north wind blows. Moonlight on the water. No need to go farther than right where I am. In this place I call home.”
Featured songs: Going Home to the Driftless | Words & music by Larry Long | Copyright Larry Long 2021 BMI; Dr. Bauer You Mean the World To Me | Words & music by Larry Long | Copyright Larry Long 2021 BMI | Isabelle | Words & music by Larry Long | Copyright Larry Long 2021 BMI.
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